Friday, November 30, 2007

surfin' safari - posts 19-23

Nearing the end of this program, a major reflection - or something I sort of knew but have only just realised sufficiently to articulate, is that the web and surfing has almost totally changed the way I access information.
I would have thought of no-one as much more logical ( or do I really mean anal) about starting at the start of hard copy material and working my way from beginning to end.
But on the internet I really am all over th place - it's free form discovery - is there a good enough descriptor for this behaviour? Even surfing is inadequate - you catch a wave and ride it in a fairly straightforward direction - not what I'm doing on the web - it's much more circular - fun though! I can't even follow the numbering in this learning program - maybe a reflection on my numeracy skills? No - it';s just the web is not linear - more creative perhaps?

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